CEASe Policies and Procedures

lcroasdellCEASe News

CEASe of Scott County Local Coordinating Coalition Governor’s Commission for a Drug-Free Indiana POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL FOR CEASe of Scott County ADOPTED:  December 1, 2011 A. History: CEASe of Scott County is the county-wide citizen body recognized by the Governor’s Commission for a Drug-Free Indiana that plans, monitors and evaluates comprehensive local alcohol and drug abuse plans.  In addition, Cease … Read More

Opioid Addiction in Scott County by Dr. Shane Avery and Lori Croasdell

lcroasdellCEASe News

According to the National Institute for Drug Abuse, there are more than 1 million opiate addicts in the United States and that number is rising. One of the reasons include the large number of Americans, from baby boomers to the elderly, who are getting hooked on pain medication for chronic pain.  Oxycodone, a potent opioid painkiller that health authorities say … Read More

Parents Who Host Lose The Most: Don’t Be a Party to Underage Drinking

sccadminCEASe News

A Unified Message: Parents play a major role in their children’s choices about alcohol, tobacco and other drugs Most teenagers appreciate when their parents set boundaries and fairly enforce expectations Adults hosting underage drinking parties: Send a mixed message about the acceptability of drinking Show youth they don’t have to obey laws Contribute to the misperception that all youth drink … Read More

Scott Memorial Hospital ER Narcotics Pain Protocol Policy

sccadminCEASe News

In an effort to address the potential for abuse of narcotics, Scott Memorial Hospital and other area hospitals have now adopted a proactive policy relating to narcotic and sedation medication prescriptions written by emergency room physicians. The purpose of the new policy is to promote the safety of patients and discourage the use of narcotic and sedative medication except when necessary. While … Read More

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