CEASe Policies and Procedures

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CEASe of Scott County

Local Coordinating Coalition

Governor’s Commission for a Drug-Free Indiana



CEASe of Scott County

ADOPTED:  December 1, 2011

A. History: CEASe of Scott County is the county-wide citizen body recognized by the Governor’s Commission for a Drug-Free Indiana that plans, monitors and evaluates comprehensive local alcohol and drug abuse plans.  In addition, Cease identifies community drug programs, coordinates community initiatives, and designs comprehensive collaborative community strategies and monitors anti-drug activities within Scott County.  Furthermore, they assist the Governor’s Commission in achieving its purpose and responsibility by collecting and monitoring local level data and evaluating support programs. CEASe was formerly called Scott County Citizens Against Substance Abuse (CASA) until April of 2010.  Once the National Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) program came into existence, having two CASAs was confusing, to they changed their name to avoid confusion.  On April 1, 2010, an ad-hoc committee was formed and assigned the task of creating a new LCC name.  Two proposals were entertained and our membership voted and decided upon CEASe of Scott County (Coalition to Eliminate the Abuse of Substances).  Local donations and funds from the local Prosecutor were made available to design a media campaign to advertise the change.

B. Vision and Mission:  To reduce the incidence and prevalence of substance abuse and addictions among youth and adults in Scott County.

C. Purpose of the LCC: County-wide citizen body Substance Abuse Coalition for the county approved by Governor’s Commission for a Drug-Free Indiana to plan, monitor and evaluate comprehensive local alcohol & drug abuse plans. Identify community drug programs, coordinate community initiatives, design comprehensive collaborative community strategies and monitor anti-drug activities at local level. Assist Commission in achieving its purpose and responsibility by collecting and monitoring local level data and evaluating supported programs.

D. Duties of the General Members

  1. Members shall espouse objectivity and integrity, and shall maintain the highest standards in the services of the Council.
  2. Members shall support coordination, collaboration, and cooperation with other individuals and organizations assisting those whose lives are impaired by alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.
  3. Members shall uphold the legal and accepted moral codes that pertain to alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.
  4. Members shall promote prevention, treatment and advocacy for problems or issues concerning the abuse or illegal use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.  Should a Coalition member request the Coalition to advocate a particular position on an issue, the member is to bring his or her request to the Executive Committee.  Should the Executive Committee approve the request, all resulting media contact will be handled by the Public Relations Committee.
  5. No individual can advocate in the name of the Coalition.  Potential issues must be brought before the Coalition and voted on prior to a statement being made by the Coalition.

E. Duties of Elected Officers: The Coalition shall have the following officers who shall be elected by the general Coalition membership for a one year term

  1. Chair – The Chair shall preside at all monthly meetings.  The Chair is responsible for calling the meeting of the Coalition. He/she is to notify all Coalition Members, the Coordinator (if existing), and the Coalition’s advisor from the Governor’s Commission at least four days prior to the meeting.  The Chair shall also work with the Secretary and/or Coordinator to establish an Agenda and Minutes for each meeting and ensure that the meetings comply with Indiana’s Open Door Policy.  The Chair shall also work closely with the Community Consultant from the Governor’s Commission to ensure compliance with Commission requirements and suggestions made to develop the Coalition.
  2. Vice Chair – The Vice Chair shall assist the Chair and shall perform all of the duties of the Chair in their absence.
  3. Secretary – The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings of the Council.  The Secretary shall keep all the records of the Coalition except the financial records.
  4. Treasurer – The Treasurer shall: (1) prepare and maintain the financial records of the Coalition, (2) receive the income of the Coalition, (3) pay the bills of the Coalition, (4) prepare quarterly written report of the financial condition of the Coalition, including an accounting of monies received into the Community Drug Fund via the Auditor’s Office, (5) assist mini-grant recipients access allotted funds through the Auditor’s office, and (6) respond to any and all requests for financial records made by the Governor’s Commission.

The election of officers will be at the December meeting.  A vacancy in any office before that election will be filled by a vote of the Coalition.  The officers of the Coalition may be re-elected.

F. Financial Accountability:  The Coalition shall follow these policies and procedures to ensure public trust. The treasurer shall be an active member of the Coalition, attending the majority of Coalition meetings, and educated on the financial matters of the Coalition.  The treasurer shall be responsible for managing all debts of the Coalition, including but not limited to writing checks for monthly or annual fees, making deposits, maintaining a check register that is balanced monthly, and providing quarterly written reports for the members.  The treasurer and the Chair, effective August 1, 2011, shall sign all checks written on the account of the Coalition over the amount of $250, according to the CEASe Financial Policy approved by the members.  Any amount over $500 must be approved by a vote of the Executive Committee first and by the members, subsequently. The Coalition Chair shall review all unopened bank statements monthly and audit the treasurer’s records annually. An annual budget shall be prepared to identify operating expenses for each year.  The treasurer shall prepare the annual budget, which shall be approved by the Coalition and submitted as an administrative grant as part of the grant cycle.

G. Committees and Duties of Committee members:  Committees shall be organized to address specific areas of need within the Coalition.  The committees will be reviewed annually by the Chair and Coordinator.  Committees will be formed, continued, or disbanded as need arises at the discretion of the Chair and Coordinator.

1. Executive Committee

    1. The Executive Committee will consist of  the Chair, Vice Chair, Past Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and one at-large Coalition member.
    2. It is the charge of this committee to establish ad hoc committees for special events, review of personnel, etc.
    3. Matters brought before the executive committee will be decided by a majority of committee members present as long as there is a quorum.
    4. The Executive Committee is responsible for the hiring, oversight, and personnel review of contract personnel of the Coalition.

2. Grant Oversight

    1. The Local Grant Oversight Committee consists of a minimum of 6 members, including the Grant Committee Chairperson, the LCC Coordinator, LCC Chair, and LCC Treasurer.
    2. It is the charge of this committee to oversee the local grants.
    3. The Coordinator, Grant Committee Chairperson, and LCC Chair will choose the grant review members.
    4. The Grant Chairperson will be responsible for:  briefing the review members on grant requirements and funded agencies’ responsibilities, make any necessary preparations needed for the grant review members, prepare the selected grant recipient information for the Council.
    5. The following are the responsibilities of the Grant Committee Chairperson:
  • Submit the advertising when grants are available.
  • Maintain the grant application and recipient reward letter and make any necessary updates or changes to the application and reward letter.
  • Maintain financial records of grant amounts, reward amounts and any monies to be reallocated.
  • Remind and collect from members the mid-year and end-of-year grant reports.

3. Nominations

    1. The Nominating Committee will consist of 4 Council members
    2. It is the charge of this Committee to recruit new community representation to serve on the Council.
    3. It is the charge of this Committee to search for new officers and nominate slate of officers to be voted on at the December meeting.

4. Policies & Procedures

    1. The Policies and Procedure Committee will consist of  3 Council members.
    2. It is the charge of the committee to create and maintain a policy and procedure manual to address all functions of this Council.
    3. The committee should review the manual at least every 2 years and more frequently if needed. The manual will be maintained by the Coalition Chair on CD and in hard copy.  A copy will be in the Coalition Chair’s and/or Coordinator’s possession and additional copies will be available at request at the discretion of the Chair.
    4. Review on an annual basis and update By-laws as amended.

5. Media/Public Relations

    1. The Media/Public Relations committee will consist of a minimum of 3 members and the advisor from the Governor’s Commission.
    2. It is the charge of this committee to develop a media campaign including Coalition identity: brand (logo) design; slogan; printed material.
    3. Identify issues and target audiences to be addressed by social marketing campaign and make assignments for articles, advertising, and distribution methods.
    4. Arrange for speakers and or public events/programs.
    5. Assist Chair and/or Coordinator in promotion of Coalition in the community via speaking engagements and participation on other community councils.

6. Comprehensive Community Plan

    1. The CCP Committee will consist of a minimum of the CEASe Executive Committee and the advisor from the Governor’s Commission.
    2. It is the charge of the committee to review, update and/or write the CCP in compliance with Governor’s Commission requirements.

These committees should meet as often as needed, depending on the work of the committee.  The committees should meet under the direction of the Chair who will be an ad hoc member of all Committees.  General Coalition members are encouraged to actively participate in one or more committees of their choice.  Those who volunteer for committees are expected to actively participate in the work of the committees and attend as many committee meetings as possible.  A spokesperson shall be appointed for each committee.  The spokesperson is to report on the committee’s work at the next Coalition meeting and prepare a written committee report to be submitted to the Chair and Recording Secretary.

H. Grant Process: General Guidelines

  1. Monies collected through the courts are held in a county drug free communities fund by the county auditor. The LCC is the administrator of these funds and is responsible for its distribution back into the community according to their approved Comprehensive Community Plan. Grants are awarded to agencies and entities based on need/services identified by the LCC through its comprehensive planning process.
  2. All grantees must adhere to the information provided in the grant application.  Any deviation from this application must be submitted in writing and approved by the CEASe Grant Committee before grant funds are spent; i.e., equipment/program costs were less than quoted or unavailable.
  3. All items (flyers, signs, banners, etc.) used to promote your project must include a mention of CEASe of Scott County as a funding source.  Example:  This workshop was funded by a grant from CEASe of Scott County.
  4. All materials (books, videos, equipment, etc.) purchased using grant funds must be marked to mention the CEASe of Scott County as a funding source. Example: These materials were purchased by a grant from CEASe of Scott County.
  5. Grant applications are due by _______________by emailing to ______________.  A grace period will be implemented which allows the CEASe Grant Committee to review grant applications and (if needed) request revisions be submitted by the grantee by the date specified prior to the grant presentations on the first Thursday of January.
  6. If a grantee intends to apply for multiple projects throughout the year, it is preferred that all projects be submitted in one grant application.  In this type of application, please outline each project as well as identify a separate budget for each project.


  1. Two reports will be shared during the grant year (January 1, ____to December 31, _____) with the first report being given in person at the September CEASe Meeting. The person responsible for implementation or a representative will give the report. All grantees are required to submit a final WRITTEN report to the CEASe Grant Committee summarizing their project on the approved final report form included in the grant packet.  The final report may include but is not limited to: overall outcomes, personal observations, percentages or numbers served statistics, photographs or surveys of the project.  Grantees are encouraged to include other promotional materials from the program (flyers, photographs, press releases, etc.) Anything that can help you and CEASe measure the success of your project will be allowed.  Final reports are due by December 31, _____by emailing to __________________.


  1. All expenditures must be outlined in the budget portion of the grant application.  Grant monies must be spent according to the approved budget of CEASe.
  2. All grant funds that remain unused at the end of the grant period must be turned back into the Treasurer of CEASe of Scott County.  “Unused” funds are defined as any funds shown to be left-over and not spent as outlined in the budget by the end of the designated grant year.
  3. If the above guidelines are not followed, CEASe may, at  it’s discretion:
    1. Postpone continued funding of the project
    2. Stop funding the project totally
    3. Require repayment of all extended funds to the council
    4. Prohibit grantee from applying for future grant cycles
    5. Or any combination of a-b-c-d
  1. The level of quality to which the grantee executes the above guidelines will be taken into account and may be reflected in future funding.

Drug Free Communities funding should not be used for the following:

  • General overhead expenses – overhead expenses such as rent, utilities insurance, etc.
  • Law enforcement cannot request funding for ammunition, cars or other equipment that would normally be funded as required by the regulatory body in order to keep forces operating.
  • Organizations are encouraged to use funding for registrations costs related to trainings and professional development.  However, travel and lodging should be excluded. Registration fees are OK.
  • Funding should not be requested to compensate for a short fall in general operating and administrative costs.  Salaries for personnel should not be funded if the position falls into “business as usual” tasks.  Salaries can be funded if it is for a specific initiative, program or service that cannot be provided without the key person (facilitator, therapist, sponsor, etc.).
  • Overtime may also be supported as long as it is well documented and for a specific initiative or patrol, not just because the personnel have requested overtime.

I. Meetings

  1. The meetings of the Council are open to the Public.  A monthly meeting of the Coalition shall be held the first Thursday of each month from 12-1 pm at the Stewart-Hoagland Meeting room, Scottsburg, Indiana.
    1. Special meetings may be called by the Chair or 3 members of the Executive Committee.  Three (3) days notice is required for any special meeting of the Executive Committee or Council.  This notice may be by means of telephone, email, or mail service.  The notice need not specify the business to be conducted, except such business as is specifically required by statute to be stated in a notice.  The Executive Committee may, at their discretion, elect from their number a presiding officer for any special meeting.
  2. Meetings of the Coalition shall be presided over by the Chair, or in their absence, the Vice Chair, or in their absence, or in their absence, the Secretary.
  3. Any meeting may be adjourned from time to time to another specific day, on motion duly made and carried.  No notice of any adjourned meeting need be given, except by announcement in open meeting.
  4. At meetings, the Coalition may transact any business of the Coalition.  The order of business needs to adhere to the posted and advertised “Meeting Agenda” (see approved agenda form).

J. Voting Procedures

  1. All matters before the Coalition shall be decided by seven (7) members present. 
  2. A quorum shall be seven (7) members present, with at least one member of the seven (7) being an officer or Executive Committee member.
  3. Each member or agency representative shall have one vote as long as they have attended three of the last six council meetings. At any meeting, the members may participate and vote only in person.  Proxy votes will/will not be accepted.
  4. On questions of parliamentary procedure not covered by these policies, Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern.

K. Bylaws

  1. The By-laws can be amended at any regular meeting of the Council by a majority vote of the membership, providing that the amendment has been submitted in writing to every member at least three weeks before the meeting at which it is to be voted on.
  2. The By-laws will be reviewed and revised (if applicable) on an annual basis.

Official Forms

  1. Open Door Policy: CEASe of Scott County shall adhere to the Indiana Open Door Policy in regard to meeting notification, posting of the agenda and that every individual resident of Scott County is welcome to attend and participate in CEASe meetings and activities.
  2. Minimum Standard Agreement with CJI