Scott County DEA Drug Take Back a Success

lcroasdellCEASe News, Scott County Happenings

DEA Drug Take Back

Saturday, October 26, the Scott County Partnership and CEASe participated in the National DEA Drug Take Back Day, working in collaboration with the Scottsburg Police Department, the Scott County Sheriff’s Department and Walmart.

Thanks to Reserve Officers Lonnie Combs and Tim Hall and Scottsburg PD Assistant Chief David Hardin for their assistance with collecting the unused, expired, and unwanted medications. We would like to thank these gentlemen and everyone who helped make this an amazingly successful event for Scott County.

A total of 32 individuals visited the Take Back event and each person received a list of Scott County drug drop off locations, as well as Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention postcards. The officers filled 2 large boxes, which weighed in at 43 pounds of collected unused, expired, and unwanted medications.

Remember to SECURE your medications to prevent them from getting into the hands of those for whom they were not meant, MONITOR your medications by counting them regularly, and DISPOSE of unused or expired medications properly at one of our drug drop locations in the lobby of the Scott County Sheriff’s Department and outside of the Austin Police Department, as well as some local pharmacies.
DEA Drug Take Back